in Partnership With my Friends at SodaStream
I love keeping up with wellness trends and happily jump aboard the latest superfood – kale for days, love that coconut oil, thumbs up to chia seeds. So imagine my thrill to get a press release introducing me to the next big thing: NanoDrop. The release explained that Paris Hilton had discovered a compound molecule of liquid, 5,000 times as hydrating and thirst quenching as regular sparkling water. One drop equals one glass of regular water! Not only a super health booster but a major environmental resource in waste reduction. Sign me up!
Then I kept reading.... The whole thing was a big April Fool's prank! SodaStream and Paris Hilton got me – hook, line and sinker! Say whaat?!
HA! But I don't feel too bad – SodaStream offers similar advantages to the mythical NanoDrop: namely hydration, environmental consciousness and an alternative to sugary & caffeinated drinks. Turns out the next hot thing in my wellness arsenal is one that I've long depended on: my SodaStream!
And the video is so good, check out Paris Hilton repping NanoDrop below. Happy April Fool's Day!