Left to Right: Janelle, Afiya, Alia and Quinn
Let’s just begin by acknowledging that parenting is no joke. Whether you’re at your wits end or feel that your heart may burst – it’s a rollercoaster of emotion.
But, like most things, the ride is so much more enjoyable when you realize that not only are you not alone but that it’s a shared experience – there’s likely nothing that you’ve felt that most every other parent has one point also been through.
My sisters (Alia, Janelle & Quinn) and I are pretty much in constant contact with each other – whether it’s via text, What’s App or in person – and we decided to record one of our candid chats – this time about parenting. Though we’re sisters, we’re same-same but different and our kids are also at different stages so it’s interesting to see how parenting changes yet remains the same. I have two boys who are 12 & 9, Alia has three girls who are 10, 8 & 6, Janelle has two boys who are 6 & 4 and Quinn has a boy & girl who are 4 & 2.
Take a look, weigh in with your thoughts and share with a friend who may also enjoy this content.
Take a look at a few behind the scene moments, lest you think it’s all work and no play.